Sunday, September 16, 2012


I am currently at burrows43312's restaurant.
Atmosphere:2 stars
Service:2 stars
Employees:3 stars
Manager:4 stars
Food:2 stars
Speed:3 stars
Review: Not the best place to eat, but if you really want a restaurant, you should go! If you want me to review your restaurant, just let me know! Here are some pictures.

Well, bye!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Hey Jammers! I am at daniella5320's restaurant!
Food-4 stars
Atmosphere-2 stars
Service-4 stars
Workers-3 stars
Owner-4 stars
Excellent place! Even though it is nonmember, it is still an amazing place. I think you should check it out! If you want me to review your restaurant, contact me in comments! Bye!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Hey Jammers! Here is my first secretive restaurant review! It's hard to find restaurants, so I might not post many. It has 3 star service, 2 star atmosphere, and 3 star food. Overall the rating is about 2.6 stars. Not the best place, but if your desperate, you should go! Here are some pictures.
Inside has a bunch of tables. Bye Jammers!